During my well-deserved summer holiday, I had a week without any plans – and instead of spending it sitting inside back home, hoping for the Danish summer weather to show itself from a slightly better side than it had done for the first part of the summer, I semi-spontaneously decided on booking a trip to Munich. I’d been there for five days when I was exhibiting at Automatica back in 2010, but at that time I didn’t really get to see much of the city, apart from the Munich Congress Center and a couple of restaurants. So – I thought I’d give it another shot – and I wasn’t disappointed! Munich proved to be a fantastic city, and I ended up doing some nice walks and bikerides around the old city center, seeing a lot of very interesting castles (the Residenz and the Numphenburg castle) and museums (the Alte and Neue Pinakothek were particularly nice!), eating some fabulous food, getting quite a bit of the Biergarten-vibe – and enjoying weather that was apparently quite a bit better than back in Denmark. And (surprise!) I brought my camera along also…